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Learning Center

Pre-Painted and Coated Metal

AIA Continuing Education Courses


On Demand, Webinars, and In-Person Lunch & Learns offer continuing professional development in an engaging, interactive format. Steelscape offers accredited courses focused on essential pre-painted metal knowledge. Each course provides 1.0 AIA-certified CES Learning Units.

Available Formats

  • On Demand: Self-paced and available online through AEC Daily.
  • Webinar: Available as an online fixed-date course, or you can request a date that suits your group.
  • In-Person: Take the course on-site at one of our production facilities (Rancho Cucamonga, CA or Kalama, WA). This includes a tour of steel production and coating facilities.

Please note that the Webinar and In-Person format requires a minimum of a 4-week advanced notice, minimum group size (10), and presenter availability. Inquire using the form link below.

Course Description:
The surface coating is the first line of defense in pre-painted metal, and one of the most important elements to consider when specifying metal roofing and siding. Selecting the right coating, finish, and paint system can affect product lifespan, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. This course discusses the composition of pre-painted metal, its application, performance, and also examines building and environmental factors that may influence the type of paint system specified.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand pre-painted metal fundamentals, the paint application process and the advantages of this process relevant to exterior building applications.
  • Identify the three common types of paint systems, their differences, and appropriate applications.
  • Recognize the enhancement options available for pre-painted metal and how they can be modified specifically to project needs.
  • Identify pre-painted metal durability issues, their causes and applicable warranty considerations for end building users.

AIA CES Learning Units:

1.0 AIA/CES Learning Units

Course Description:

An Aluminum-Zinc metallic coating (Al-Zn), commonly known by the trade name Galvalume® or ZINCALUME®, reflects coated steel which is designed to provide superior, long lasting corrosion resistance. Aluminum-Zinc metallic coated roof products can come in many forms, including bare and painted products, and can be formed into a vast array of shapes and sizes including standing seam roofs, corrugated profiles, and stamped metal shingles. Today these products are used extensively throughout the US. This presentation provides an overview of this coating, its advantages as well as design and installation best practices.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand what an aluminum-zinc metallic steel coating is
  • Identify common aluminum-zinc metallic coated steel roof types
  • Recognize how to design an aluminum-zinc metallic coated steel roof for longevity
  • Appreciate how to install and maintain an aluminum-zinc coated steel roof for longevity

AIA CES Learning Units:
1.0 AIA/CES Learning Units

Course Description:

Metal roofing offers longevity, durability, and visual appeal. Today, a range of color and finish options are available that afford specifiers broad design flexibility. This course explores key solar reflectance and sustainability considerations when evaluating metal roofing colors and how selection relates to requirements in codes and green building programs such as LEED® v4.1 Building Design and Construction, Sustainable SITES Initiative® v2, and the WELL Building Standard™ version 2. Case studies demonstrate how metal roofing colors have been used to meet design and sustainability objectives.

Course Objectives:

  • Describe the causes and impact of urban heat islands and how cool roofs can meet LEED v41 and SITES v2 requirements for heat island reduction.
  • Identify the resources and metrics available to compare and evaluate the solar reflectance properties of metal roofing colors to gauge their contributions to energy efficiency and thermal comfort requirements in LEED v4.1 and WELL v2.
  • Discuss how metal roofing can be responsibly sourced to meet the requirements in LEED v4.1 and SITES v2.
  • Explain how metal roofing color considerations can contribute to creating thermally comfortable microclimates for outdoor restorative and gathering spaces as required by SITES v2 and WELL v2.

AIA CES Learning Units:
1.0 AIA/CES Learning Units/ HSW

About the Presenter

During live presentations, you can participate in the Q&A with Michelle Vondran of Steelscape.

Michelle Vondran Technical Innovation Officer for Steelscape

Michelle Vondran is the Product Innovation and Technology Manager for NS BlueScope Coated Products, North America. Michelle graduated from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. She started her career as a research chemist with Morton (later BASF) coil coatings with a focus on polymers. This position included lab development, lab-to-production, scale-up, and manufacturing quality and process control.

Eventually, Michelle’s focus shifted to cool pigmentation, where she brought the first cool coil coatings to market. She was active in the Cool Roof Rating Council and Energy Star Roofing Program. She initially joined Steelscape as a Quality Engineer for the Rancho Cucamonga, CA, paint line. She has held several positions, including Quality Systems Manager, Technical Manager, and now the position of Product Innovation and Technology. She oversees product and process development, product performance criteria, and warranties for NS BlueScope Coated Products North America.

Michelle is an active National Coil Coaters Association board member, sitting on the technical committee, and a Zinc Aluminum Coaters Association member.

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